تعيين الشركة


Annoucement Post - Jovan Bernard Joins Nectar Group

Announcement: Jovan Bernard joins Nectar Group as Technical Sales Administrator.

Nectar Group is pleased to announce Jovan Bernard as the new Technical Sales Administrator for the World Wide Bagging team.  Jovan...
L Smith Annoucement Post

Layla Smith joins Nectar Group as the new World Wide Bagging Administrator

Nectar Group is pleased to welcome Layla Smith to our London Head Office as the World Wide Bagging Administrator. In addition...
Annoucement Post - Nikki Posner

Nikki Posner joins Nectar Group as the new Office Manager & HR Administrator

Nectar Group is pleased to announce Nikki Posner as the new Office Manager & HR Administrator in the London Head...
Peter W NSBT Annoucement Post

Peter Wilkinson Joins NSBT as Port Engineering Manager

Nectar Group and NSBT are pleased to welcome PETER WILKINSON to the team as the new Port Engineering Manager at NSBT in Freetown,...
Simon Broomhead joins Nectar Group as Commercial Executive

Simon Broomhead joins Nectar Group as Commercial Executive

Nectar Group is pleased to have Simon join our team to advance our commercial department further. Simon will oversee aspects...
جاك هامبسون في دور مدير مشروع GEO

أخبار الشركة - جاك هامبسون كمدير مشروع GEO جديد

Nectar يسر المجموعة أن تعلن عن تعيين جاك هامبسون مديرا جديدا لمشروع GEO - إدارة الأصول. كان جاك ...
سيامبا جنرال موتورز NSBT

يسر NSBT ترقية سيامبا كامارا إلى منصب المدير العام

يعمل أخصائي العمليات ذو الخبرة سيامبا كامارا مع NSBT منذ افتتاح الميناء في عام 2015 وعمل على نطاق واسع في ...
Julie Wallin becomes Senior Management Accountant

Announcement –  Julie Wallin as Senior Management Accountant 

Nectar Group is pleased to announce Julie Wallin as the Senior Management Accountant.  Julie has been with Nectar Group for over...
Roelinde Retief

Roelinde Retief Promoted to Technical Administrator

Company Appointment: Nectar Group is pleased to appoint our very own Roelinde Retief as Technical Administrator for the Group Engineering...
Andrea WWB General Manager

Andrea Hemming Promoted to General Manager WWB

We are pleased to announce that Andrea Hemming has been promoted to General Manager of Nectar Group’s Worldwide Bagging team.  Andrea...