O principal multiusuário da Sierra Leone em massa & break-bulk Port
Localizado no maior porto natural do continente africano. Néctar Sierra Leone Bulk terminal (NSBT) é uma joint venture empresa entre a Serra Leoa nacional de transporte da empresa Ltd. e néctar Group Ltd.
Latest Industry News - The 3rd Berth Expansion Project at NSBT has been shortlisted for Ground Engineering Award in partnership with Beckett Rankin. Beckett Rankine has been shortlisted for International Project of the Year, recognised for delivering geotechnical excellence and standing out on the international stage. Read more below.
Port Operations. Warehousing. Logistics.
The Joint Venture Company, Nectar Sierra Leone Bulk Terminal, was successful in winning a tender issued by the Government of Sierra Leone in 2014 to run the bulk terminal at QEII port. The company has set out to meet international high standards in all aspects of operations and has invested significantly in equipment and infrastructure to provide the necessary services needed for all areas of port operations.
New handling equipment, improved warehouses, security and lighting are all being implemented to provide a better user experience. In 2017, NSBT also took over a 5.4 acre piece of land at the rear of the port on a long term lease and is currently redeveloping this area for agricultural imports and exports.
In 2023, NSBT and partners will be delivering the Port Expansion Project at Freetown’s bulk and break-bulk terminal (in collaboration with Eiffage Génie Civil and Beckett Rankine). The new 3rd berth at QEII terminal is a critical piece of infrastructure which will facilitate a larger-class of vessel size to call at the Freetown terminal, accommodating vessels of 225 meters and 13 meters draft.
Latest News: Nectar Group and NSBT have been featured in the latest issue of Dry Cargo International
Nectar Group sets sights on Africa's growing bulk sector
New berth at Sierra Leone Bulk Terminal
(Issue 285, Nov 2024) Use the link to read the full story.
Quem somos
Nectar grupo tem tido uma presença em Freetown desde outubro 1988 quando eles ajudaram pela primeira vez em ensacamento de arroz importado de embarcações a granel. Em 2015, Nectar assumiu o terminal Bulk em Freetown, Serra Leoa, empregando 80% dos cidadãos da Serra Leoa. Em 2016, o porto foi reconhecido pelo prémio "melhor porto a granel seco" nos prémios IBJ.
NSBT está empenhada em fornecer um ambiente seguro e limpo. Equipamento de limpeza ambiental está agora no local e sendo usado em uma base diária para limpar estradas, edifícios terminais e o cais.
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1 Ashton Gate, Ashton Rd.
Harold Hill, Romford
Essex. RM3 8UF
<i class="fas fa-at"></i> commercialteam@nectar.co.uk
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<i class="fas fa-phone"></i> + 44 (0) 1708 386555
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