Beira Grain terminal

Nectar Designs Beira Grain Terminal with 50,000 mts capacity

Nectar Group was responsible for the design of Beira Grain Terminal (Mozambique) and holds a shareholding in the terminal operations as well as providing ongoing maintenance services. The terminal began operations in August 2010 and continues to thrive and provide full grain cargo solutions with wheat and maize as the main commodity handled.

Consultoría. Diseño. Accionariado.

Beira Grain Terminal is a bulk grain discharge and storage terminal, handling commodities both inbound and outbound through the Port of Beira in Mozambique. It continues to grow in productivity and is the shortest, quickest and safest route to the sea from the Southern Africa hinterland. 

Experts in Terminal Design & Development

From the outset of the consultancy and design stage; Nectar Group was able to address cargo handling and logistical issues, such as the elimination of bottle necks within the terminal, increasing loading speeds and improving discharging efficiencies. Vessels can discharge at speeds up to 5,000 – 6,000 mts per day, allowing for improved productivity and reducing import costs, consequently increasing the capacity of the port.

The design was encapsulated by the Nectar design team, backed by years of specialist dry bulk handling terminal and handling experience, expertise and technical know-how. Initially, the terminal had a total storage capacity (in silos) of 30,000 tonnes. A later expansion project added two new storage silos, increasing the overall capacity to 50,000 tonnes.  Nectar teams additionally provide mobile bagging services and a full maintenance programme. The terminal is well connected by an extensive rail and road network for onwards logistics.

Shareholder & Maintenance


Beira Grain Terminal is a bulk grain discharge and storage terminal, handling commodities both inbound and outbound through the Port of Beira.  With vast improvements to the terminal and handling capabilities, it rapidly gained a reputation for integrity and ability to assist grain importers to maximise their returns.

It continues to grow in productivity and is the shortest, quickest and safest route to the sea from the Southern Africa hinterland. Nectar Group continues to have a strong working relationship with Cornelder de Mozambique in various port facilities and operations.

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