Здоровье и безопасность

Конечная цель Группы Нектар – ноль несчастных случаев

Safety is a mindset. Nectar Group require commitment at all levels of the organisation and promote safe behaviour, positive attitudes, sound judgment, and good decisions. Our team places safety above all other considerations in executing our work. We strive at all times to create a 100% safe work environment, on-site and in the office, with zero accidents and zero injuries.

Безопасность на работе

Наша политика

Striving for Zero Accidents

The zero incident goal is not just a number or a target at to be reached but rather a mindset and a commitment to continuously improving our safety in the workplace.


Здоровье нектар группы - Безопасность

Безопасная рабочая практика

Nectar Group places a great emphasis on reducing the potential environmental impact of our operations. We strive to ensure that everything is done to employ safe working practises, and minimise any impact to the local and greater environment.

All Nectar’s equipment is manufactured in such a way that there are not any parts or substances which will deteriorate and cause environmental impact during the lifetime of the machines. We can proudly state that our equipment is  98% recyclable.

At all our global locations, we place safety and training as our top priority.  All technicians are required to conduct regular risk assessment exercises to highlight any hazards, and implement suitable safety controls to minimise the risk of injury, equipment damage and environmental impact on all their operations. Regular toolbox talks and pre-start training sessions play a vital role in enhancing awareness among our workforce. In addition to training, Nectar placing an emphasis on proactive maintenance, conducting regular inspections and providing precise maintenance recommendations to keep machines and port equipment in optimal condition. Our proactive approach helps prevent potential issues before they become significant problems, ensuring the reliability and longevity of equipment.

By implementing strict HSE regulations, compliances, and maintenance strategies, we ensure that our customers and machines always remain supported. 

Health and Safety at Nectar Group
  • Обращаем ваше внимание, что компания Nectar Group Limited является оператором терминалов, специалистом по обработке грузов и поставщиком портовых услуг.
  • Это поле предназначено для проверки и должно быть оставлено без изменений.


1 Эштон Гейт, Эштон Rd.
Гарольд-Хилл, Romford
Эссекс. RM3 8UF

<i class="fas fa-at"></i>    commercialteam@nectar.co.uk

   Вакансии: HR@nectar.co.uk

<i class="fas fa-phone"></i>   + 44 (0) 1708 386555

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