Leaders in Bulk Handling, Rentals & Mobile Bagging Services
In today’s rapidly changing shipping environment, spot rentals have seen a considerable increase. Spot rental bagging services are accessible on a vessel-by-vessel basis. Rental contracts are backed by Nectar’s dedicated World Wide Bagging team, featuring the efficient M140 bagging units, ready for quick deployment. Nectar’s bagging equipment ensures fast discharge speed combined with reliable bag weight accuracy, as well as the all-around superior service that clients expect from Nectar operations and management.
Nectar is proud to be working in Africa for over four decades, delivering efficient and cost-effective cargo handling solutions. We have dedicated equipment and technicians in several regions around the world including Central America, West Africa, East Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
Looking for cargo handling support in Mozambique and across Africa. Contact our team for more info. +44 (0)1708 386555 / commercialteam@nectar.co.uk